All of our lives should be a Shakti Sadhana, a cultivation of the Yoga Shakti on all levels outwardly and inwardly. For this we are always supported by Mother Nature who is the very embodiment of Shakti for us.

By Yogini Shambhavi Devi

Shakti sadhana is not about making efforts to fulfill our personal desires. It is about being receptive to the ever-changing flow of Shakti’s transformational grace that surrounds us on every side! The art of truly being present in a sacred space is to be aware of nature around us and embrace it as the very ground of our own being, our own true nature. Most of the time we busy ourselves with the shifting affairs of the outer world, its fleeting enjoyments and achievements, moving from agitation and obsession to eventual anxiety and despair. We lose the vastness of our deeper cosmic Self and get caught in social images and commodities instead, getting trapped in human images and media reflections.

The individual human being is but a pawn in this Maya of illusory forces that one seldom comprehends, driven by dark currents we do not see. Life is full of shifting appearances that keep us ever wondering where any ultimate reality may dwell. As we begin to become aware of these diverse forces we realize that our little familiar human world is but an island in a greater ocean of collective and universal forces, obscure, mysterious, profound and transformative.

While the energies in the human world are often ignorant if not belligerent and demanding, those in the world of nature and in the greater universe are beneficent and full of grace, beauty and wonder. We must learn to look beyond the boundaries of our outer social personalities and transient human lives to embrace the cosmic presence within and around us. In being nothing we can become everything. We can embrace all of nature as our greater manifestation.

The Universe of Shakti

The universe weaves a divine tapestry of cosmic light and energy, which has been tapped by our ancient Rishis and by Native Guides all over the world, resonating with nature’s overflowing beatitude, mystery and beauty. The Seers perceived the subtle vibrations, the ‘aliveness’ of light, pervading the Tanmatras or root essences of sight, sound, taste, touch or smell, as well as the inner intuitive perception of one’s sixth sense of pure Being. Our mergence into the all-pervasive light allows us how to experience a pure state of illumination inside and outside, ushering us through the gateway of higher consciousness to a clarity beyond thought and desire. We are beings of light, full of light and light has its lightning power or Shakti that reveals and energizes all higher potentials. All the color and music of life arises from their play.

Shakti prevails on all levels of existence, from the supreme Brahman, the Absolute, beyond all time and space to the minutest living organism, even to the smallest subatomic particle. Every light form has its own Shakti, from the warm rays of the Sun to the cool luminescence of Moonlight. The highest Brahma Shakti is Chit Shakti, the power of consciousness existing as one with the Shiva principle of pure consciousness. Ishvara as the cosmic lord has the power or will of  the Divine, Ishvara Shakti, to transform and nourish every living being, guiding us to our inner Self. All the forces of nature reflect Shakti, not as inanimate forces but rays of consciousness, unfolding the lila or play of the Goddess, allowing all possibilities to lead us to the Supreme at every time and place we happen to traverse.

If we let go of outer forms and actions and instead embrace the Shakti or energy behind these we will discover a single energy working on all levels within us and in the world of nature. This unseen yet enlightened force of Shakti is flowing through everything weaving everything together in patterns, gestalts of wonder and delight that have no beginning or end, no limit in size as either the supracosmic or the most minute. Let that Shakti be your true life blood and expression of your deepest light of Awareness!

This article first appeared in and it belongs to them.